The Oil Information Library of Wichita Falls formerly — Wichita Scouting Co-Op — is a non -profit organization for individuals, companies and corporations engaged in oil and gas exploration, production operations or closely related activities. The Fain and McGaha electric log file and the original Bess Mason drillers log files — all two hundred and fifty four counties — are among the materials housed in the library. Current material purchased by the library includes: Petroleum Information scouts tickets and corresponding reports; Dwight's Oil and Gas Production for districts 7B and 9; Railroad Commission of Texas Production covering the state; weekly releases of Wildcat electric logs covering thirty counties. In addition, the library has oil maps topographic maps and other materials too numerous to mention. Reciprocity agreements are held with other geological libraries in Texas and Oklahoma.

The Oil Information Library is essential to those who rely on a supply of resource material and technical information. The facilities of the library are opened for the use and benefit of the general public as well as to members.

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